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Prueba de Nivel de Inglés

Aquí tienes 10 preguntas sobre el temario de Inglés.

  • No hay límite de tiempo.
  • Solo hay una pregunta correcta por cada pregunta.
  • Debes responder a todas las cuestiones.
  • Solo puedes hacerlo 2 veces. Si quieres hacer más exámenes puedes contactar con nosotros.
  • Cuando termines, te invitamos a que completes varios test para conocer tu nivel. 

How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives globally?

One of the words that defined 2020 is pandemic – it literally means «affecting everyone». Coronavirus has changed all aspects of our lives, and it has led to surprising discoveries.


We also discovered what it means to be stuck at home, with computer screens being our only way of contact –
homeschooling, home office, working out and staying in touch with loved ones via zoom.

The most vulnerable

People in elderly homes were particularly isolated. At the beginning visits were not allowed. Eventually though innovative solutions were found.

Hospital staff

A moment to come together was also the lockdown tradition to clap each evening for the medical staff, who worked relentlessly at the frontline of the healthcare crisis.

The Mask

Masks used to be an item reserved for medical staff. They were the only ones who needed it – that was the message from the World Health Organization at the beginning of 2020. But then the organization changed its tune, and now most of us don’t leave the house without one.

Social distancing

As we found out more about how Coronavirus spreads through the air, we learned to keep a distance. The pandemic has also changed our way of greeting, the French way of two or three kisses and the handshake are out, the new thing is the elbow bump or Wuhan-shake.


Not everyone agreed with the new government-imposed coronavirus measures. Protests erupted in several countries. Anti-vaxxers, Covid sceptics, far-right extremists, conspiracy theorists and concerned citizens took to the streets, calling for more freedom.


1. What is the meaning of pandemic?

2. According to the text, how do we stay in contact with our families?

3. During the lockdown, the most vulnerable were…

4. During the lockdown it was a tradition to clap for the medical staff

5. At the beginning, all the people should wear a face mask…

6. Choose the CORRECT question:

7. Choose the CORRECT sentence:

8. Choose the CORRECT negative sentence:

9. Choose the CORRECT negative sentence:

10. Choose the CORRECT question:

¿Qué resultado has obtenido?

  • 0 – 4 aciertos. No estás preparado. Aún te queda mucho para poder presentarte a los exámenes.
  • 5 – 7 aciertos. Te queda poco para estar preparado. Debes repasar y volver a estudiar algunos temas. Con tesón y constancia puedes conseguirlo.
  • 8 – 10 aciertos. Estás preparado para los exámenes. Pero no te confíes. Hay que seguir practicando y no bajar el nivel hasta la prueba.


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